Message from Mr. Chaucer Leung, JP

Director-General of Communications

Office of the Communications Authority

Hong Kong, China

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on reaching the remarkable milestone of 45th Anniversary.

Throughout the years, APT has been playing a pivotal role in promoting and supporting telecommunication and ICT development in the Asia Pacific Region. APT provides the platforms through working groups, meetings, conferences and fora to foster collaborations among telecommunications regulators in the region in making significant contributions to technology development, standards implementation, radio spectrum management, and capacity building.

Hong Kong joined the APT as an Associate Member in 1979. Being the executive arm of the Communications Authority which is the unified regulatory body overseeing both telecommunications and broadcasting sectors in Hong Kong, the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) actively participates in conferences and meetings hosted by APT for regional telecommunications initiatives and regulates the relevant sectors in line with the international best practices. OFCA deeply values the close ties and cooperation with APT, and all along supports its functions. Going forward, OFCA will remain dedicated to actively engaging in APT’s activities, and work hand in hand with APT and its members to address the challenges and explore future opportunities in the rapidly evolving telecommunications landscape.

May I take this opportunity to wish APT every success in its future works!

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