Message from Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts


Australia extends its warmest congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on the occasion of its 45th anniversary.

APT’s dedication and unwavering commitment to advancing radiocommunications and telecommunications development have been instrumental in shaping both regional and global landscapes.

Since its inception in 1979, APT has been a beacon of digital inclusion across our region, fostering collaboration and enhancing connectivity. Of particular note is APT’s work on telecommunications and information services capacity development and infrastructure in the region, especially in the Pacific.

As a founding member, Australia expresses our deep appreciation to APT for facilitating meaningful dialogue and knowledge sharing across borders.

We also thank APT for continued support in hosting APT preparatory meetings in our region. This includes events in Australia, such as the recent 6th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for the World Radiocommunications Conference 2023 in Brisbane and the upcoming 4th APT Preparatory meeting for the World Telecommunications Standardization Assembly 2024 in Adelaide.

As we mark this significant anniversary, Australia looks forward to opportunities for continued collaboration to address both regional and global challenges, ultimately fostering a more connected, prosperous, stable and secure region. APT’s legacy inspires us all to strive for greater achievement and positive change.

Australia wishes APT continued success and once again commends APT on 45 years of outstanding achievements.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from H.E. Mr. JIN Zhuanglong


Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

People's Republic of China

On behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, we would like to sincerely congratulate the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on its 45th anniversary.

In May 1979, the APT was founded by the joint initiatives of the UNESCAP and the ITU. Throughout the 45 years, as an intergovernmental organization for ICT development in the Asia-Pacific region and in the spirit of family, the APT has played an important role in facilitating the region to bridge the digital divides and achieve ICT development. On this occasion, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the APT for its sustained endeavors.

Chinese President Xi Jinping once pointed out that, like a vast ocean, the Asia Pacific region offers enough sailing space for us to make progress together. Over the past 45 years, the Chinese government has prioritized the role of digital technologies for economic and social development. With the world's largest ICT network, dynamic innovation and adoption of emerging technologies such as 5G and AI, as well as the growing empowerment of digital technologies, we endeavored to ensure the people to have a stronger sense of being benefited with digital dividends. While pursuing our own development, China is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind, and promoting the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, devoted to closing the digital divides for common development of the region. China has undertaken extensive policy and technical exchanges with APT members, continued to support capacity building and project cooperation in developing countries across the region with extra-budgetary contribution, constructively participated in the regional coordination on global digital governance, and facilitating the Asia-Pacific region to jointly seize the opportunities of digital transformation in achieving sustainable development for all.

Looking back, the Asia-Pacific region, by acting on the far-sighted vision of open and cooperation, has been able to seize the opportunities of economic globalization, and created the "Asia-Pacific miracle" that has staggered the world. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is evolving while the digital economy in the Asia-Pacific region is embracing robust growth and dynamic innovation. China stands ready to join efforts with you all to make greater contribution to realizing the vision of the APT and delivering prosperous ICT development for the region. First, collaborate to realize digital connectivity. Facilitate the deployment of digital infrastructure in developing countries and improve the affordability of connectivity to deliver shared digital dividends for all. Second, collaborate to enhance digital capability. Through joint capacity building activities to narrow the capacity divides for utilizing ICTs among various nations and populations. Third, collaborate to advance digital transformation. Encourage enterprises, research institutes and relevant stakeholders to strengthen cooperation in emerging areas such as AI and 5G/6G, enabling various industries with digital technologies. Fourth, collaborate to deliver economic prosperity. Consolidate dialogue and exchanges with further opening-up and cooperation while addressing risks and challenges, thus creating an open, inclusive, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for the development of the digital economy.

To conclude, we once again congratulate the APT on its 45th anniversary. Going forward, we stand ready to strengthen cooperation with the APT and all members to build an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future featuring openness, inclusiveness, innovation-driven growth, greater connectivity and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from Honorable Minister Lee Jong Ho

Ministry of Science and ICT

Korea (Republic of)

On behalf of the Republic of Korea, I offer my sincere congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity.

Since its foundation in 1979, APT has played a pivotal role in strengthening international cooperation in the ICT sector and accelerating collective development in the Asia-Pacific region.

We highly appreciate APT's contributions to promoting cooperation among member states, facilitating the sharing of information and experiences, and capacity building. The APT has established itself as an important organization in the pursuit of coordination and balanced development within our dynamic and diverse region. In addition, APT has played an important role in effectively representing the interests of the Asia-Pacific region at major global telecommunications conferences such as ITU PP, WRC, WTSA, and WTDC, reflecting our region's voice in the world.

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of APT's foundation, I take my hat off to these historical achievements and wish you a bright future full of greater accomplishments.

The recent rapid digital transformation has brought many economic and social benefits, but it has also made regional and global cooperation more important than ever to minimize digital divide and ensure that everyone can equally benefit from digital innovation. Therefore, the role of APT is more urgent than ever.

As a founding member of the APT, the Republic of Korea shares its vision and strategic direction to support digital transformation to promote economic and social growth in the Asia-Pacific region and to create a connected, inclusive, safe and sustainable ICT environment for all.

And since 2016, Korea has carried out various capacity building programs and pilot projects through EBC-K, and has continuously made efforts to strengthen its contribution to and cooperation with APT.

In September 2023, the Republic of Korea announced the "Digital Bill of Rights," which outlines the fundamental direction for establishing a new digital order that the international community can sympathize with and collectively pursue. The "Digital Bill of Rights" presents the “Digital Society of Shared Prosperity” as an ideal future that global citizens should pursue together, where people drive digital innovation while enjoying its benefits equitably.

It contains principles such as safeguarding fundamental freedom and rights in the digital environment, ensuring fair access and equal opportunities, building a safe and reliable digital society, and promoting human welfare through digital innovation.

This aligns closely with APT's 2024-2026 strategic direction based on five key areas of digital connectivity, digital transformation, trust and security, digital inclusion, and sustainability. Therefore, I am confident that Korea’s realization of the Digital Bill of Rights will accelerate the development of ICT in the Asia-Pacific region in partnership with APT, contributing to creating a more connected, inclusive, safe and sustainable digital future for all.

The Republic of Korea promises to continue to build constructive partnerships as a responsible and strong supporter of the APT. To build this Digital Society of Shared Prosperity, we will continue to share our experiences and work together to advance the interests of the Asia-Pacific region.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to APT for its dedication and efforts in developing advancing ICT development in the Asia-Pacific region, and I wish APT continued success.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from Mr. Phoukhong Chithoublok

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Technology and Communications

Lao People's Democratic Republic

On behalf of the Ministry of Technology and Communications (MTC) of Lao PDR, it is with great pleasure that we extend our warmest congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on the occasion of its 45th Anniversary.

Since its inception in 1979, the APT has played a pivotal role in fostering cooperation and collaboration among nations across the Asia-Pacific region in the field of telecommunications and information and communication technologies (JCT). Over the past decades, the APT has consistently demonstrated its commitment to promoting technological advancement, bridging the digital divide, and enhancing connectivity for the betterment of the region. We have seen many achievements of the APT that stand as a testament to the dedication and contribution of its members, associate members, affiliate members, and all stakeholders in the pursuit of our shared goals. Also, it is our Ministry's privilege to participate in various working groups and management committees which demonstrates the core value of the APT in the collective efforts of members.

As we celebrate this significant milestone as APT's member, may this anniversary serve as an opportunity to reflect on our past accomplishments, and reaffirm our collective commitment to furthering the regional common interest, co-created and connected digital future, particularly our strategic vision outlined in the Strategic Plan of the APT for 2024-2026.

In this regard, we extend our sincere appreciation to the APT for its continued support and assistance to MTC Lao PDR through various capacity-building initiatives, technical assistance programs, and knowledge-sharing platforms. We reaffirm our commitment to continue to work closely with the APT for the mutual benefit of the Asia-Pacific region.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from Datuk Mohamad Fauzi Bin Md Isa

Secretary General

Ministry of Communications


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Message from Honorable Minister Hilton T. Kendall

Ministry of Transportation, Communications and Information Technology

Republic of the Marshall Islands

On behalf of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMl), we extend our warmest congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on its 45th anniversary. This milestone is a testament to the remarkable achievements and invaluable contributions that APT has made to the development and advancement oftelecommunications in the Asia-Pacific region.

Over the past 19 years, RMI has greatly benefited from its membership in APT, experiencing firsthand the positive impact of APT's initiatives, programs, and collaborations. Through APT's unwavering dedication to promoting cooperation and fostering technological innovation, RMI has availed numerous opportunities and resources that have significantly enhanced our telecommunications infrastructure and capabilities.

One of the most notable benefits that RMI has received from APT is a gift of a submarine cable splicer which aided to the nation's hour of need. APT's kindness has brought the nation back online after facing weeks of being disconnected from the world. In addition, RMl has received access to technical expertise and capacity-building initiatives. Through APT's training programs, workshops, and seminars, our telecommunications professionals have had the opportunity to acquire new skills, knowledge, and best practices in various areas of telecommunication technology and policy development. These capacity-building activities have empowered our workforce to address emerging challenges, adopt cutting-edge technologies, and contribute effectively to the growth and modernization of our telecommunications sector.

APT has played a pivotal role in facilitating regional cooperation and collaboration among its member states, including RMI. Through APT's platform for dialogue and exchange, RMI has been able to engage with other member countries, share experiences, and explore opportunities for joint initiatives and partnerships. This collaborative approach has enabled us to leverage collective expertise, resources, and experiences to address common challenges and pursue shared objectives in advancing telecommunications development and connectivity across the region.

Furthermore, APT's advocacy for harmonized regulatory frameworks and standards has provided RMI with invaluable guidance and support in aligning our telecommunications policies and regulations with international best practices. By adhering to APT's recommendations and guidelines, RMI has been able to create a conducive environment for investment, innovation, and competition in the telecommunications market, ultimately benefiting our citizens through improved access to affordable, reliable, and innovative telecommunications services.

As we commemorate APT's 45th anniversary, we express our sincere gratitude to the leadership, staff, and Member states of APT for their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in promoting the development of telecommunications in the Asia-Pacific region. We look forward to continuing our fruitful partnership with APT and working together to address the evolving challenges and opportunities in the dynamic field of telecommunications.

Once again, congratulations to APT on this significant milestone, and we wish you continued success in your endeavors to advance telecommunications excellence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from Mr. Myo Swe

Director General for Posts and Telecommunications Department

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

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Message from Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokbar

Member (Compliance & Enforcement)

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

Government of Pakistan

It is my pleasure to extend heartfelt congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on the auspicious occasion of the 45th anniversary celebrations. APT has become the hub for intergovernmental cooperation, technology standardization and strategic positioning of the Asia-Pacific region at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and other fora. Since 1979, Pakistan has been playing an active role in shaping up the strategic direction and operational activities of the APT. One of the prime instances of APT's excellent coordination is the successful conduct of South Asian Telecommunications Regulators' Council (SATRC) that has become an exemplary model of sub­ regional cooperation, knowledge exchange and experience sharing.

On behalf of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), I would like to once again congratulate the existing and previous APT management for this remarkable achievement and hope that the coming years will further solidify the position of APT as the collective voice of the Asia and the Pacific.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from Mr. Ang Wee Keong

Assistant Chief Executive

Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)


On behalf of Singapore, I extend warm congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on the occasion of its 45th Anniversary. This milestone is a testament to the APT’s unwavering dedication to advancing telecommunications and ICT development in our region.

The APT has grown from strength to strength over the past 45 years. Singapore deeply appreciates the APT’s pivotal role in fostering regional cooperation, promoting innovative technologies, and bridging the digital divide. Through your various initiatives, work programmes, and contribution on digital issues as ASEAN’s Development Partner, the APT has provided members and stakeholders an invaluable platform to engage and coordinate on issues of mutual concern and helped to bring our region closer.

As we reflect on the aspirations and progress made further to the 2019 Singapore Statement, Singapore looks forward to the next chapter of the APT’s leadership and to the fulfilment of the 2024-2026 Strategic Plan. Once again, a happy 45th Anniversary to the APT!

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from Mr. Prasert Jantararuangtong

Minister of Digital Economy and Society of Thailand

On behalf of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society of Thailand, I extend my warmest congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on its 45th Anniversary. This milestone serves as a commendable testament to APT’s pivotal role and steadfast commitment to advancing telecommunication and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) across our region. Over the decades, Thailand as founding member has deeply valued APT’s unwavering support, particularly in preparing us for major global conferences such as the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), and various International Telecommunication Union (ITU) meetings, and its efforts in promoting harmonization of programs and activities within the Asia-Pacific region have greatly contributed to our collective progress.

Despite recent global challenges, including the pandemic, APT’s utilization of fast-paced technology has empowered remote and virtual gatherings, enabling persistent and fruitful discussions. The APT Strategic Plan for 2024 - 2026, with its five strategic pillars focusing on digital connectivity, transformation, trust and safety, digital inclusion, and sustainability, closely mirrors Thailand’s aspirations to develop digital infrastructure, enhance cybersecurity, promote digital literacy, and foster sustainable growth. This synergy underscores the profound impact of collaborative efforts in driving positive change within the digital landscape.

On this auspicious 45th Anniversary, we seize this opportunity to extend our gratitude for the invaluable support and collaboration by APT, which has advanced Thailand’s digital agendas and policies. Thailand has constantly pursued its initiatives, projects, and plans under the Prime Minister’s “Ignite Thailand” vision to position the country as a digital economy hub that attracts investment in digital, technological industries, and innovation. Initiatives such as “The Growth Engine of Thailand” and the Ministry’s National Digital Economy and Society Development Plan, demonstrating the Cloud First Policy and Digital ID as pivotal mechanisms to cultivate an environment conducive to digital innovation and growth, have enhanced our global competitiveness.

Since 1979, APT’s establishment of its Headquarters in Bangkok has also further strengthened mutual collaboration between APT and stakeholders from both the public and private sectors of Thailand. This enduring partnership symbolizes a strong friendship, weathering challenges and triumphs, and accumulating wisdom over time.

We commend APT for its remarkable achievements over the past four decades and express our profound gratitude for its invaluable contributions to Thailand’s digital and ICT journey. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, we reaffirm our relentless commitment to consolidate our partnership further. Together, we will continue to strive towards our shared vision of a digitally inclusive and prosperous Asia-Pacific region in the years to come.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from H.E. Phan Tam

Deputy Minister

Ministry of Information and Communications

Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of)

On behalf of the Ministry of Information and Communications of S.R. of Viet Nam, I express my heartfelt appreciation to APT for its outstanding services and support to the membership.

As the leading regional telecommunication organization, APT has played a leading role in driving its members to mobilize and coordinate resources and share experiences on the development of telecommunication/ICT policies, technologies, human resources, trade, and investment. The APT Member countries are proud that the telecommunication/ICT sector in the Asia-Pacific region is the most dynamic and fast-growing in the world.

At the age of 45th years, Telecommunity found itself at a changing point. Telecommunication infrastructure and services are transforming significantly into digital infrastructure and services, facilitated by new and emerging digital technologies and digital data flow to promote connectivity and digital transformation.

APT will continue to foster and rely on the spirit of community and collaboration on a mutual respect and trust basis. I, therefore, strongly support APT's current works and activities. Strengthening regional cooperation is critical to overcoming regional and global challenges and realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Viet Nam is very proud to have been a responsible Member of APT since its creation.

In this regard, I want to reiterate commitment of Viet Nam to working closely with all members and actively contributing to APT activities. I would also like to congratulate APT on its achievements and wish it lasting prosperity.

Elegant Border Certificate

Message from Dr. Le Van Tuan

Director General of the Authority of Radio Frequency Management

Ministry of Information and Communications

Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of)

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